Asthma Attack

When Would Asthma Require Emergency Care?

Asthma patients always need to be prepared for an emergency, even after they have been successful in managing it. This is because you never know when the symptoms can become uncontrollable and potentially fatal.
During an asthma attack, the bronchial tubes responsible for getting air into and out of the lungs become inflamed and constricted. This action is then characterized by symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing and chest tightness. The intensity of the symptoms can range from mild to severe. A mild attack can be treated at home while severe asthma treatment requires a visit to the hospital or nearest ER in Lake Jackson.

What Causes Different Asthma Types?

Medics are yet to establish the exact cause of asthma but it has been determined that certain triggers cause the airways to inflame, narrow and fill you with mucus. Therefore, to succeed in asthma prevention and management, you need to identify your triggers.
Common triggers include:  allergies, irritants such as tobacco, stress, exercise, food sensitivities, weather, sinusitis and other respiratory problems, medications and heartburn.

Your Asthma Action Plan

To better understand what approach to take when it comes to managing asthma, you will need to take regular peak flow meter readings. A peak flow meter is a handheld device that you breathe into, to get a reading of your lung function. The readings are often usually categorized into three zones: green, yellow and red.  Green means you are safe. Yellow indicates a slight problem and you can intervene with medication to stop it from getting worse. Red on the other hand indicates you have a severe asthma attack and thus need to get help from the nearest Lake Jackson emergency room.
Altus Emergency Centers provide 24-hour emergency care in Lake Jackson and has a variety of treatment options designed to help you better control an asthma attack. You do not need an appointment and the waiting is minimal. So anytime your peak flow meter reads red or you are experiencing intense symptoms like wheezing, difficulty breathing and chest tightness, come to our 24-hour ER near you.

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